It started with a little fiesta at a finca on Saturday. I went with all my coworkers and we had about as many bottles of alcohol as we did people. We had hired some staff to come make breakfast and lunch for us, and we stayed all day by the pool.
Saturday evening I rushed to Salento for the rest of the three day weekend. I went and did all of my favorite things, for the last time. I also did a lot of shopping for my family. I walked to the top of the mirador in Salento, one of my favorite views.

I ate trucha, and had a coffee at Jesus Martin. I went the plaza and danced with the local friends I've made. I received a poem from one friend there, to Andres' surprise! It was a three day weekend, so on Monday I was still there. I went Monday to say goodbye to my old neighbor. She is a woman in her 70s (at least)! I would always saw her walking around and she would always say hello and comment on how early she heard me get up every morning, and what a good person I must be. As I walked away from her, I could hear her repeating the story to whoever she was walking with everytime. One day she had convinced me to go inside her home to read the label on some prescription lotion her cousin had brought form the States. She wanted to know what it really said. Monday when I said goodbye to her, she started to cry, a lot. She kept hugging me and didn't want me to go. It was so sweet. I teared up a little myself.
At school the last week we had a team building day, which was a nice last day of bonding with all the co-workers. We played trust games, where a co-worker had to catch you as you fell. We played team strategy games, and talked a lot about how we could improve as a team and apply what we learned to our work. I got a little sun burnt but had a great day. The day came to say goodbye to my co-workers and it was filled with tears, starting with my goodbye to the women in the tienda, where I would get breakfast every morning. Lorena, Teresa, Marta, Diana, and all the other women who helped in there sometimes really lightened my day and life there. I will definitely miss all the people I worked with in Colombia. It was such a beautiful experience.
My second to last night, we threw a party at Dave's house. Drank Jar Rum till 3 in the morning over open fire and acoustic guitar. We graffitied the front wall of his future restaurant/bar/hostal. Behind this gentleman you will see my contribution. It says, "Pongo Aki: Buena Energia"