Monday, November 9, 2009

Flat Freddy the Fourth Grade Fish

My friend's fiancee's sister's son, Shane, is in the 4th grade. (I've been really wanting to say that.) Some of you may have heard of Flat Stanley, if not, google it (that's what I did). Well, at River View Elementary they're making Flat Freddy to send to the people they know all over the world. I not sure if its a contest to see who sends Flat Freddy the furthest, but if so, I think we've got a shot at winning!!!

Here's a little information about Colombia for Shane's fourth grade class:

Colombia is in the Northwest part of South America, the second most populous country in South America, and the only country in South America with both Pacific and Atlantic Coasts. The climate around the country is very diverse. The beaches in the Caribbean are unforgettably beautiful, and the Pacific coast has whales, surfing, and lots of wildlife to see. The equator runs through the Colombia, but there are mountains so tall here that they are covered in snow. The weather here is what you call PERFECT where I live, in Armenia. It is 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit year-round. Nearby Armenia is the National Park, Valle de Cocora, or Cocora Valley. It gets a little chillier there because of the altitude, but while hiking I usually stay warm enough to walk in a T-shirt.

Colombia has had a lot of bad press over the last few years, some of it legitimate, but most of it exaggerated. Things have changed a lot since Uribe was elected president in 2002. Its safe to travel, for Colombians, foreigners, and Flat Freddys.

I've been teaching 6th grade here for a few months, and I am really enjoying myself. The kids are fun, and we took a few pictures together with Freddy. I think Freddy learned a lot in my class!!! Quiz him on the Periodic Table of Elements when he gets home!

We had a great time, and hope you like the pics.

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