My friend's fiancee's sister's son, Shane, is in the 4th grade. (I've been really wanting to say that.) Some of you may have heard of Flat Stanley, if not, google it (that's what I did). Well, at River View Elementary they're making Flat Freddy to send to the people they know all over the world. I not sure if its a contest to see who sends Flat Freddy the furthest, but if so, I think we've got a shot at winning!!!
Here's a little information about Colombia for Shane's fourth grade class:
Colombia has had a lot of bad press over the last few years, some of it legitimate, but most of it exaggerated. Things have changed a lot since Uribe was elected president in 2002. Its safe to travel, for Colombians, foreigners, and Flat Freddys.
I've been teaching 6th grade here for a few months, and I am really enjoying myself. The kids are fun, and we took a few pictures together with Freddy. I think Freddy learned a lot in my class!!! Quiz him on the Periodic Table of Elements when he gets home!
We had a great time, and hope you like the pics.
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